Jail Break 4on4 Senior

Tournament Rules

2025 Jailbreak 4 on 4 Lacrosse Tournament Rules


  • U11-U17 (9 runners plus a goalie per team)    Junior-Senior (11 runners plus a goalie per team)

  • 4 runners & 1 goalie per team on the floor at one time.

  • All games will start and finish on time according to the schedule provided.  Second period time length may be adjusted to maintain the scheduled time slots. Players must exit the floor immediately after the game and teams must be ready to enter the floor as soon as the previous game concludes.

  • Each game will have 30 minute time slot.  2 minute warmup before game. (Suggest teams stretch out off floor if necessary) Two 12 min straight time periods per game with a 2 min break between periods.

  • Faceoff only at the beginning of each period.

  • When goalie gets possession of the ball (picks it up in the crease or gets possession from a call), ALL opposition players must back off to the blue line before being able to re-enter the zone. NOTE: Players must wait for whistle if it is a possession call from the official.

  • When goals are scored ALL opposition players must back off to the red line and may not cross this line until ALL players have crossed over and the ball has been blown in play (this may happen before all players have crossed back and in this event the players still have to fall back).

  • Junior/Senior ONLY - Air Gaits/Crease Dives are allowed, but if contact is made with goalie or net/posts the play is immediately stopped, goal if scored is disallowed, and a penalty may be assessed to the attacker based on severity of contact - possession, 2 minute, 5 minute or match penalty for goaltender interference.  The line of the crease is part of the crease and the attacking player can not step on it.

  • Ball out of play - If a ball hits the mesh above the foam marker surrounding the side of the floor; it is ruled as going out of play and possession will be rewarded as such.  If the ball hits above red line on back boards; it is ruled as going out of play and possession will be awarded as such.


  • Hitting behind the net - There is no hitting behind the nets.  You can chase the ball carrier behind the net but contact is not allowed in behind the net where the wall is tarped.  Body contact in this area of the floor will result in a penalty of either 2 minutes or 5 minutes depending on the severity of the contact.  Player may also be ejected from the game as a result of the penalty.

  • All penalties result in a penalty shot. CFB penalties are double minors and therefore result in 2 penalty shots.  On penalty shots player starts at center, all other players must be ready along boards. Once the shot is taken play will start as if there was a goal with players falling back to the red line.  Ball is not live after the shot and there is no chase down on the shooter.

  • 4 penalties result in a game ejection. Player will be allowed to play in next game.

  • 2 game ejections due to penalty results in player suspension from the tournament.

  • Absolutely no fighting. If fighting major is assessed, players are ejected from the game and suspended for the remainder of the tournament.

  • Any major penalty assessed will result in game ejection and 1 game suspension during the tournament.

  • Teams will be given 2pts for a win, 1pt for a tie and zero for a loss

  • Tiebreaker rule for determining championship game - Head to head 1st, then goals for/against average.

  • In championship game only: if there is a tie game at end of the 2 periods a shootout will determine the winning team. 5 players will be selected for the shootout prior to the shootout. Each player will have 1 shot on the opposing goalie per round, subsequent rounds may be needed to determine the winner. 

  • If the score remains tied at the end of 5 shooters, a round of sudden death shootouts will occur with each team having 1 shooter each. Shooters can be the same shooters as the original 5 or a new bench player. Shooters can also be repeated multiple times. Sudden death continues until a winner is determined.

  • Official rules & game play will be given to each team before the tournament date. Rules will also be posted in the Soccer Centre during the tournament.


Most importantly

Play hard, Play fair and have FUN!!!


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